1945 - 2023

In Memoriam of Founding Partner Dr. Sid Crow PhD

Dr. Crow worked as a collaborator with Dr. George Pierce, in both the development of recombinant vaccines and the production of microbial catalysts to delay fruit ripening and potentially alter other deleterious biological processes. His role was primarily basic microbiological processes, chemical and bioassay development, and metabolic function in yeast and filamentous fungi. 

Dr. Crow studied the disinfection of medical devices primarily from the point of developing novel rapid methods. He worked as a Professor at Georgia State University for 42 years. He became involved in the study of microbial interactions in colonization of surfaces and the human body and subsequently focused on the application of microbial processes to understand applied problems.

During the ten years prior to retirement in 2016, Dr. Crow’s focus evolved to encompass industrial and applied microbiological problems and development of intellectual property. While He officially retired August 1, 2016, Dr. Crow remained active in research related to expanding and commercializing delayed ripening and microbial control technology. He published over 90 articles in refereed journals and has been PI or CO PI on 22 sponsored projects, accounting for over $4,000,000 direct cost.

Dr. Crow passed away on April 18, 2023.

Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA. Post-Doctoral Fellow 1974-1975 Microbiology
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA. Ph.D. 1974 Marine Sciences
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA. M.S. 1971 Food Science
Loyola University, New Orleans, LA. B.S. 1969 Biology

Dr. Crow had over 50 years of experience in applied and environmental microbiology. He held many elected offices, positions and honors:

  • 1975 – 1981 Assistant Professor, Georgia State University. 
  • 1981 promoted to Associate Professor, Georgia State University 
  • 1996 – 2017 Full Professor, Georgia State University 
  • Participated in 2 NATO sponsored International Oil Ecology Expeditions in the North Sea 
  • Visiting Scientist at the Biologische Anstalt Helgoland, Helgoland, Germany, in the fall of 1982 and again in the summer of 1984.  
  • 1983 Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow at the Biologische Anstalt Helgoland conducting research in the North Sea. 
  • Visiting Scientist, Division of Mycotic Diseases, Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, Georgia. 
  • 1989 Oak Ridge Associated Universities Summer Research Fellow at the National Center for Toxicological Research (Pine Bluff, Arkansas).  
  • Chaired the Search Committee for the Chair of Biology 1979-1980. 
  • University System ERDA Savannah River Basin Ecology Study Committee fall 91- fall 95 
  • Ad hoc Advisory Committee to the VP Research- Intellectual Property Chair winter 01- 03.  
  • Associate VP for Research from spring 1999 through summer 2002. 
  • Interim chair of the Department of Biology from Nov 2013- Dec 2, 2014.He has actively taught many courses including Introductory Biology(both semesters),  Basic Microbiology, Applied Microbiology, Food microbiology, Microbial Ecology, Concepts in Microbiology. 
  • 1998 – 2016 graduated 15 Pd.D students.